Is Root Canal Treatment Necessary for a 3-year-old Baby?

Is Root Canal Treatment Necessary for a 3-year-old Baby?

If your child has severe decay or an infection, you may think the only solution would be the pull the primary tooth. Instead, your dentist can treat the inside of the baby tooth to save the tooth by performing a root canal. There are many benefits to saving primary teeth, and keeping them in your child’s mouth as long as you can.

Root canals can help save a tooth from an infection in the pulp area or center of a tooth. During a root canal procedure, the inflamed area of the tooth is cleaned out and sealed to prevent bacteria from entering in the future. Today dentists believe saving a baby tooth is just as important as saving an adult tooth.

Reasons for Saving a Baby Tooth

  • Loosing primary teeth too early can affect a child’s speech or development.
  • Keeping the tooth in position helps to make space for adult teeth.
  • If primary teeth are lost this can affect a baby’s ability to chew or eat.
  • Primary teeth help to prevent crowding and adult teeth from coming in crooked.
  • May prevent future orthodontic treatment.

How Do I know if My Child Needs Endodontic Treatment?

If your child is complaining of pain, we recommend making an appointment with our office right away. If there is an infection the issue should be addressed as soon as possible. Our team will examine the tooth and take x-rays to get a clear picture of the problem. Our doctors will create a customized treatment plan, and discuss what treatment options are available. Depending on the severity of the infection will determine what treatment is needed.

How Does a Root Canal Work?

There are two ways a root canal can be done depending on the location and severity of the infection. If the infection is only in the crown area of the tooth, a pulpotomy will be performed. This is when the inflamed pulp chamber is cleaned out and removed. The root is left alive and in perfect condition. A crown may be placed afterwards to restore the tooth until it naturally falls out when the adult teeth erupt beneath it.

If both the crown area and the root area of the tooth are infected, a pulpectomy may be needed. This is when we remove the entire pulp area from the crown and root of the tooth. The pulp chamber is cleaned out and sealed to prevent future bacteria from entering. Crowns are typically used after this procedure to restore the tooth’s functionality, and protect the primary tooth underneath until it is naturally lost.

Interested in Finding Out More About Root Canals for Children?

At Art of Pediatric Dentistry, your child’s oral health is our priority, and our team works to ensure each visit to our office is positive. We provide quality dental care you can trust in a comfortable and calm environment. When a child visits a dental office, this can be stressful. Our staff is trained to work with children, and we always make sure your child will feel comfortable during their visit. Our office is accepting new patients, and we welcome you to join our dental family.

If your child is experiencing pain in or around a tooth, or you think they may need root canal treatment, contact Art of Pediatric Dentistry, and our friendly staff will be happy to assist you.

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